Welcome to Cloud and Security Architecture (CASA)

Your resource for cloud architecture and security

Welcome to CASA. You probably accessing this site in support of an instructor led training, live or online. But you can also access this as a self-paced course. In all cases, dates and times of online events are published here.

While this course is focussed on the Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) version 5 and includes all its official material, there is more material, and it will help you towards other cloud (security) certifications such as CCSP and become a better cloud architecture and security professional.

Whether or not you are preparing for CCSK, in any case, I recommend that you start by running through "Understanding CCSK", to which you are probably already subscribed. Link here.

Let us get started.

The idea is that we go over the material from top to bottom.

After each lecture/unit is done, you should click on the top right label that says: "complete and continue".

You will see that the material is organised in multiple days and multiple sections, each of which can refer to specific domains, typically domains from the CCSK body of knowledge.


Exam vouchers (tokens, as CSA calls them) are included in the course, and will be automatically provided. The exam is timed, open book, but can be taken at any time. You get two tries. More details at the end of this course.


CCSK Plus is an extension of CCSK Foundation and has a set of labs that run you through building a basic but complete cloud based web application. CCSK Plus is an add-on separate course. See later.

Nevertheless, this course does contain a number of practical exercises. You can recognize these because they have the word "Lab" in the unit title. You can select to skip them.

Comments and discussion: you will see a comments section at the end of several units. I encourage you to add your thoughts and questions to them. They can help other learners, and provide valuable feedback to me.

I get a message when a comment is added. You get a message when somebody replies to a topic that you commented on. Consider this to be as close to a chat group as you wish, and use it accordingly.

All clear?

Complete and Continue  